GCI PowerTools for Access Control

GCI PowerTools for Access Control eliminates the expense of failing a compliance audit by enabling Administrators to remain compliant with OpenText Content Suite read-only licenses, controlling the level of access for users and groups.


About the product

  • Remain compliant with OpenText read-only user license terms
  • Protect against unexpected license fees
  • Control which users have read-only access to Content Suite
  • Easy administration of the Full Access control group

Stay compliant with read-only licensing

GCI PowerTools for Access Control enforces OpenText read-only license terms; ensuring that your read-only Content Suite users do not perform actions that would breach the terms of the standard read-only license agreement.

Control which users have full access

A Full Access Control group allows you to select the group of users that have full read and write access to Content Suite functionality.

Users who are not part of this group are read-only users who can browse, search, view, download, and print documents. Read-only users can not perform any actions or activities that would make changes to Content Suite.

Easily administer full-access users

Decentralize the administration of Read-only access by specifying a set of users who control which users and groups get full-access.

This set of users is called the Access Controllers Group. Only members of this group can edit the membership of the Full Access Control Group.

Ease into limiting access

PowerTools for Access Control offers a staged approach to rolling out Access Control by restricting future access to existing content based on previous permissions. Within this mode, all users can read and update content based on existing privileges. However, only members of the Full Access Control Group can be given access rights beyond “See Contents” when modifying permissions.


Clear read-only violation warnings

Error messages will be displayed if a Read-only user attempts to perform an operation that makes changes to the system.

Configurable error messages

Error messages are tailorable to provide end-users with help and guidance specific to your business, e.g., “If you received this message in error, please contact your manager.”

For more information

PowerTools for Access Control is the easiest way to prevent read-only access users from inadvertently performing full access actions. This can eliminate receiving unexpected additional licensing fees.

For further details or a personalized demonstration, contact Global Cents.


Related Resources

Data Sheet