GCI PowerTools for Archiving reduces the risk of legal liability and increases the performance of your Content Suite environment; automatically extracting and securely archiving workflow data, attachments, and electronic signature data.
Readily extract workflow data
Securely store archived content in an unmodifiable format
Decommissioning of legacy systems
Securely archive eSign workflows and attachments
Reduces the size of Content Suite’s underlying database
Apply records management retention and disposition policies to archived data
Content Suite information such as workflows and electronic signature (eSign) workflows can be quickly archived and stored back into the repository enabling the application of records management retention and disposition policies. Any underlying database information is safely deleted, removing potential future legal liabilities.
Archives containing attachments, attributes, forms, comments, audit trails, and user information can be readily viewed in the browser using the provided views, or custom views can be created to present data back in any desired corporate layout. In the case of legal disputes or regulatory requests archived workflow and audit information can also be quickly searched for and retrieved.
Extracted objects are stored as individual documents within the GCI Archive volume. Using this approach, standard Content Suite permissions and records management policies can be applied.
If your organization has large amounts of eSign workflows, or is required by regulatory authorities to keep workflow or audit data, then PowerTools for Archiving is the essential tool for maintaining the performance and integrity of your Content Suite environment and improving end-user response times in areas such as workflow assignment.