11.28.2024 Global Cents
Global Cents today announced four product releases that include many new features and wider support for different Content Suite versions.
GCI PowerTools for Documents 10.2.5
- Enhanced signing capabilities and flexibility within the signing process
- Extended output capabilities that allow saving documents to the same volume; adding the ability to replace a document version; and the ability to create a major version from the last minor version
GCI PowerTools for OpenText Electronic Signatures 3.0.1
- Ability to sign a rendition of a document
- Enhanced watermarking functionality: the ability to watermark all documents that are specified on a workflow step; removal of watermarks from specific documents; use form field values for standard watermark values
- The Approve or Reject action can be stored in the Disposition data field
- Add an icon to use in browse view that displays whether or not a document is signed (much like a reserved doc, but only display if the latest version is the signed version)
- Removal of the encryption/security on a PDF attachment to a workflow eSign Robot step
GCI PowerTools for Deployments 6.1.2
- Support for the Content Suite 10.5 SP1 Mar 15 release, which contains many changes in the XML subsystem
- Support for export/import of collections, facets and security clearance objects
GCI PowerTools for Workflow 3.0.3
- New workflow icon for documents that provides a visual indicator that a document is part of a workflow process
- Ability to lock and unlock specified versions of documents
- A workflow can create a special temporary group that will be used for step assignment (example: when it is necessary to assign a workflow step to a list of users and have one of those users accept the step, removing it from the inbox of all the other users)
For more information please contact us at info@globalcents.com